New Monterey Display Celebrates International Success

The Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS), a graduate school of Middlebury College, is a dynamic organization that annually produces graduates who go on to be leaders in all areas of business and commerce, working for some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations.

Recently, MIIS decided to move ahead with the development of a comprehensive recognition display that would serve multiple purposes. The display, which would integrate an architecturally designed donor wall with an interactive multimedia presentation, is an innovative blend of technology and craftsmanship that is helping MIIS share its story and achievements with visitors around the world.

According to Kathryn Ann Joyce, Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations at MIIS,  the area where the display is situated used to be dead space but is now always busy with people. “The wall has brought that building to life,” says Joyce. “People who were not interested initially in having their profiles and pictures up are now very interested in it. And corporations are very excited about being featured, too, and feel that they’re seeing an increased interest in them from students,” she continued.

The architectural portion of the display features a series of six large glass panels, each showcasing donors within various gift categories. Highlighting the display is a world globe that creates a dramatic relief background.

When visitors approach the display a large 55” interactive LCD monitor invites them to experience the multimedia presentation by touching one of the interactive navigation buttons. Presentation modules include A World Of Influence which features global regions where MIIS graduates are at work; Alumni of Distinction; and Tomorrow’s Leaders. Another module is Our Corporate Partners that showcases some of the major corporations that have hired MIIS graduates, and which feature profiles of those corporate partners.

“The entire project development experience was seamless”, says Kathy Joyce. “I was amazed that we were able to develop such a comprehensive project so easily. And being featured in the multimedia presentation has become somewhat of a campus status symbol, as students and staff vie to be included in one of its segments”, she added.

For more information on the Monterey Institute for International Studies integrated recognition  project or other Planned Legacy projects please contact Planned Legacy at 866-882-3580 or by email at [email protected].

 This is a designer’s rendering of the display at the Monterey Institute of International Studies

U of M Faculty of Engineering celebrates 100th Anniversary with new Engineering and Information Technology Complex, Donor Wall

When the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba planned its new Engineering and Information Technology Complex (EITC) they wanted a donor wall that not only honored contributors to the project’s capital campaign and celebrated the Faculty’s 100th Anniversary, but also one that reflected the school’s technical leadership and innovation.

Working from a concept design developed by Stantec Engineering, the EITC architects, Planned Legacy realized early in the process that taking a drawing of a 50’ long, illuminated glass wall from paper to reality would present significant challenges, but none that could not be overcome.

First, the Planned Legacy team had to create a system that would provide even lighting without hot spots over the wall’s entire length and height. This meant sourcing a special flat paint to diffuse light off the back wall and designing light enclosures that would allow easy access for maintenance and sufficient ventilation. Additionally, because the spacing for lighting was limited, a North American search was required for 24 fixtures small enough to fit into a confined area.

In addition to addressing the lighting challenge, Planned Legacy also needed to engineer a structure that would support 12 large 10 ml glass panels, each about 200 lbs. in a manner that would be stable but still allow for some natural shifting.

To make things even more interesting, part of the wall was situated beside a staircase with only 16” of access. And finally, working closely with a high end graphics company, Planned Legacy was able to devise a method of applying the donor names and other information to the glass panels seamlessly, using the correct shade of red.

The end result is a striking recognition display that achieves all of the technical and aesthetic objectives set out, on time and on budget!

For more detailed information on the University of Manitoba Faculty of Engineering donor wall project  please call Planned Legacy Toll Free at 1.866.882.3580 or e-mail [email protected].